Key to assignment 4 1.(a) >truehist(...., ymax=0.5,....) Some of you didn't use ymax, and produced `half' pictures. (b) x<-seq(-4,4,.01) lines(x,dnorm(x)) #default is line type 1 lines(x, dt(x,5), lty=2) legend(-4,0.5, c("normal","t_5"), lty=c(1,2)) (c) Some constructed qqplot of `change' with a random sample from t_5. You have to compare distribution of `change' with `theoretical' t_5. >qqplot( qt(seq(0,1,.01),5), change, plot=T ) (d) Well, the data were generated from t_5. 2.(a) Population mean 5 implies rate 0.2 (= 1/5) >expon<-rexp(200, 0.2) (b) >boxplot(..) >stem(...) (c) >sample(..., replace=T) (d) Depends. For small dataset, stem-and-leaf gives more information.