Assignment 2 ------------ The research question is: Does seeding (action) increase rainfall? (Look at the first sentence of handout.) (a) Most relevant summary statistics: mean and sd of rainfall for action=0, mean and sd of rainfall for action=1. Also, show mean and sd for `suitability' and `percent'. In addition, show the scatter plot matrix. (b) > lm(rainfall~action*suitability*percent) See diagnostic plots. Probably 1 point is outlier. Remove that point and run the above regression again. This maybe your final model (Well, there maybe other reasonable models.) COMMENT on diagnostic plots. (c) Most important comment is that on seeding (action). Look at the p-value corresponding to `action' in the summary, and comment accordingly. Some of you said `action' is significant even when your summary table gave large p-value for `action'. You were referring to `model p-value'. Model p-value (from F statistic) is one thing (it tells you whether the model as a whole is OK), individual p-value for different covariates is another thing (tells you about the role of that particular covariate).